

Avogadro's Numbers
-atoms and molecules are extremely small and contains too many to count or weigh individually.
-Amedeo Avogadro proposed that the number of atoms 12.00000g of carbon be equal to a constant (this is equal to 1 mol of carbon)
-this value is also called Avogadro's number and forms the basis of all quantitive chemistry.

Avogadro's Number: 6,020,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 = 6.02x10 to the power of 23
-1.0 mole = 6.0x10 to the power of 23
-1 mole is simply a multiple of things.
*one mole represents a huge number of particles*
eg: 1 mole of blood cells would be more than the total number of blood cells in every human on earth.

- A sample of carbon contains 2.47x10 to the 25 atoms. How many moles of carbon is this?
 [ *write down what you are given]
 [ *identify what to cancel ]
**remember: your significant digits & to always put your units!

Post by the awesome Ivy Gloria

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