

Don't confuse this with Ethers! Ethers contain an oxygen group connected to 2 alkyl (carbon) chains!


  • End with -anoate (ie. propyl Methanoate)
  • The -anoate part is counted through the double bonded oxygen
  • One of the simplest esters is ethyl methanoate:

Here are some common structural diagrams of Esters. See if you can identify the compound name! The answers will be on the bottom.

Answers: 1) Propyl Methanoate
2) Ethyl Propanoate
3) 1,2 Dimethyl  Propyl Propanoate

We also learned about Esterification! It's actually pretty cool and easy! 
The only thing you need to remember with Esterification is that it is formed by the reaction of a carboxylic acid (doubled bonded oxygen + OH) and an alcohol. This produces H2O!

Basically this is what esterification is:


Here is a video reviewing everything in organic chemistry!

Post By Ren Ren


A little lesson on Amines and Amides!

  • Amines are function groups that contain a NITROGEN COMPOUND bonded to either Hydrogens or Carbons!
There are three types of amines: Primary, Secondary, Tertiary
  1. Primary amines have 1 carbon chain
  2. Secondary amines have 2 carbon chains
  3. Tertiary amines have 3 carbon chains
  4. Alphabetically name the alkyl chains followed by the ending -AMINE
Examples of some amines:
1. On the left: You see a nitrogen compound connected to 3 different carbon groups. You can determine that this is a tertiary amine because it has 3 carbon chains! To name this compound, you see 2 groups of 2 carbons and 1 group of a single carbon chain. Thus, we conclude this amine is called:
Diethyl methyl Amine
2. On the right: This is also a tertiary amine. The name of this compound is trimethyl amine.

Name this compound if you can!

Answer: Tripentyl amine


  • Amides are functional groups with CONH3

  • Name the alkyl (carbon) chain and add -amide ending
  • The simplest amide is ethanamide:

Now its your turn! Try some of these Amides! The answers will be on the bottom!

Answers: 1) Propanamide
2) 2,2,3 tribromo Butanamide
3) Pentylamine
4) Phenylamine

And heres a pretty well made video concerning all the functional groups we learned so far! Enjoy

(You'll have to click the link because youtube wont let anyone watch it outside of their website. Party poopers!)

Post by Ren Ren Flores


Today we learned about 2 functional groups! Functional groups are organic compounds that can contain elements other than Carbon or Hydrogen. These organic compounds contain elements such as Oxygen (alcohols),  group 7 elements (halides), double bonded oxygens (ketones/aldehydes), a combination of a double bonded oxygen and an OH group (carboxylic acids), Nitrogens (Amines) and the list goes on and on....

We will focus on these 2 for now!

In chemistry 11 we will learn about various functional groups, specifically 9!
  1. Alcohols*
  2. Halides*
  3. Aldehydes
  4. Ketones
  5. Carboxylic Acids
  6. Ethers
  7. Amines
  8. Amides
  9. Esters
  • An alcohol is a hydrocarbon with a -OH bonded to it!
  • Its ending is -OL (i.e Methanol)
  • Same naming rules apply
  • If a compound has more than one -OH group number both and add -diol, -triol, -tetraol, etc

  1. After observing the structural diagram try to find some clues to start. From this diagram you see there is an OH, therefore you know this is an alcohol and has to end with -OL
  2. Count the longest carbon chain. The longest carbon chain is 8. Therefore, it is 1 Octanol
  3. Name the side chains from 1 Octanol. 3 ethyl, 4 propyl
  4. The compound is 3 ethyl, 4 propyl 1 octanol
Name the following Alcohols:

  1. On the left: You see 2 OH groups and a carbon chain of 2 (eth-). Since this is an alcohol with 2 OH groups, we name this Ethanediol
  2. On the right: We know that this is a benzene molecule. But it is not exactly a benzene molecule because it has an OH group attached to it. This is called a Phenol.


  • Group 7 elements (F, Cl, Br, I) can bond to a hydrocarbon chain
  • Naming follows standard rules with halides using
  • floro-, chloro-, bromo-, and iodo-

  1. On the left: You see a carbon chain of 2. (Ethane). The name of this compound is: 1,1,2,2 tetrabromo ethane
  2. On the right: You see a carbon chain of 3, and one is double bonded (prop, -ene). The name of this compound is: 2,3 dibromo 3 chloro 1 Propene
Now its your turn! Name the following compounds:

(left) 1,3 dibromo 2,4 dichloro cyclobutane
(middle) 2 bromo, 1 ethyl, 3 floro benzene
(right)  3,3 diphenyl 1 propanol

that is all!

Post by RenRen Flores

ALKENES AND ALKYNES (Double and Triple Bonds)

Today we learned about double & triple bonds, trans & cis butene, and multipliers!

  • Carbon can form double & triple bonds with carbon atoms
  • When multiple bonds form, fewer hydrogens are attached to the carbon atom
  • Naming rules are almost the same as Alkanes (single bonds) but instead we use 2 different endings
  • For DOUBLE BONDS (Alkenes) it ends with -ene (i.e Butene)
  • For TRIPLE BONDS (Alkynes) it ends with -yne (i.e Heptyne)
  • *The position of the double/triple bonds always has the lowest number and is put infront of the parent chain
Let's try a few examples shall we?

Double Bonds -ene

1. First determine the longest carbon chain. The longest Carbon chain here is 6, therefore we use the stem name -HEX

2. Next, you see a double bond represented by 2 lines (circled in red). Then you know our ending has to end with -ene. So it is 1 Hexene

3. Since you've found your parent chain (1 Hexene), determine the side chains. On #3 and #4 you see a 2 carbon group therefore it is 3,4 diethyl

4. So your answer is 3,4 diethyl hexene

Triple Bond: -yne
  • More than 1 double bond can exist in a molecule
  • Use the same multipliers inside the parent chain

We also learned about TRANS & CIS BUTENE!
  • If 2 adjacent carbons are bonded by a DOUBLE BOND and have side chains on them 2 possible compounds are possible!
  • CIS and TRANS:

Lets try 1 more hard one shall we? Name this compound!

Answer:  4 ethyl, 4,5 dimethyl1 heptene
-Post by Ren


Esterfication Lab

Today we had a short class, so we tried out making our own Esters. The lab wasn't for marks, which didn't matter because it was fun!

Purpose: To synthesize an Ester from a carboxylic acid and an alcohol

We tried creating either an orange scent (Octyl Alcohol and Acetic Acid), a wintergreen scent (Methyl Alcohol and Salicylic Acid) or a raspberry scent (Isobutyl Alcohol and Formic Acid).

My group was able to come up with a slight wintergreen scent by the end of this short class.

We may get another chance to create our own esters. Fun!


Molecular Model Activity

Today since we had a short block due to the Mothers day tea, we had a fun activity!
In groups of 3 or 4, we were instructed to create as many of the molecules on a sheet of paper before time ran out. After completing each molecular model, we had to show it to Mr. Doktor to fill out.

Some organic compounds that we had to recreate were:

  • Ethene
  • 1,2,3,4 tetramethyl benzene
  • 2 pentyne
  • cyclopropane
  • 3 ethyl 2,4 dimethyl pentane
  • cis 2,3 dimethyl pentene
  • 4,4 dimethyl 1 pentyne
and the list goes on and on.

Overall, it was a really fun class!

Report by Ren



Carboxylic Acids

-formed by the functional group:

-this is also the simplest Carboxylic Acids called METHANOIC ACID
-use standard rules but change the parent chain ending to "-oic acid"


-an Ether contains an oxygen group connected to 2 alkyl (carbon) chains

-name the smaller alkyl group first, then the second alkyl group followed by "ether"


KETONES & ALDEHYDES (April 28th, 2011)

Today we learned about the awesome world of KETONES & ALDEHYDES

  • A ketone is a hydrocarbon chain with a double bonded oxygen that is NOT on either end! (I repeat, the double bonded oxygens are not on the end, rather, are in the middle!
  • An Aldehyde is a compound that has a double bonded oxygen at the END of the a chain.
  • Follow standard rules and add -one to the parent chain for Ketones
  • Follow standard rules and change the parent name ending to -al in Aldehydes
Propanone is a ketone. Propanal is an aldehyde. NOTE their endings and where the oxygens are bonded!

Lets try some examples shall we.......

Draw the structural diagrams for the following Ketones:

a) 2, 4 dimethyl 3 pentanone
b) 2 chloro 4 methyl 3 hexanone
c) 1,2,2 trichloro 4,4 difloro 3 butanone

Now try naming the following compound:

Highlight for answer: 2 ethyl 4 floro 2 methyl 3 hexanone

Getting it so far? Great! Let's try a couple of ALDEHYDES and we're all set for today.

*remember an aldehyde is a compound that has a double bonded oxygen at the END of a chain! So Oxygen atoms will be found on the ends of these chains, and will have an ending of -al to give us a clue

Name the following compound:

1) Count 4 carbons = Butane
2) Add ending "-al" to Butane = Butanal

Name of compound = Butanal

The simplest aldehyde is methanal otherwise known as FORMALDEHYDE:

Draw a structural diagram for
2,3 dibromo 4 propyl pentanal

That is all. Post by Ren Ren Flores



Organic Chemistry is the study of CARBON COMPOUNDS
- Carbon forms multiple covalent bonds

Carbon Compounds can form chains, rings or branches
- There are less than 100,000 non-organic compounds
- Organic compounds number more than 17,000,000

The simplest organic compounds are made of carbon and hydrogen
CH4 (Methane) 

 CH3CH3 (Ethane)

- Saturated compounds have no double or triple bonds
- Compounds with only single bonds are called Alkanes and always end in "-ane"


There are 3 categories of organic compounds
1) Straight chains
2) Cyclic chains
3) Aromatics


Rules for naming straight chain compounds:
1) Circle the longest continuous chain and name the base chain
- meth, eth, prop, etc... (use  Hydrocarbon Nomenclature Cheat Sheet until it is memorized!)
2) Number the base chin so side chains have the lowest possible numbers
3) Name each side chain using the "-yl" ending
4) Give each side chain the appropriate number
5) List side chains alphabetically

Try naming the following Alkanes! Some of these compounds look a bit different, don't be fooled you fool! :) Answers below!





#1 - 2,2 dimethylbutane


Alicyclics and Aromatics (April 20th, 2011)

TODAY.... we learned about the wonderful world of alicyclics and aromatics

Few points before we begin:

  • Carbon chains can form 2 types of closed loops
  • Alicyclics are loops usually made with single bonds
  • If the parent chain is a loop standard naming rules apply with one addition: "cyclo" is added infront of the parent chain
There are 3 different ways to draw organic compounds:
  1. Complete structural diagram
  2. Condensed structural diagram *
  3. Line Diagram * (mostly used because its way easier to draw and you dont have to include all the hydrogens)
*Numbering can start anywhere and go clockwise or counterclockwise on the loop but side chain numbers MUST be the lowest possible!

So let us draw some to show you!

AN EXAMPLE of a condensed structural diagram

  • A condensed structural diagram always shows carbons and hydrogens in it
Example of a line diagram:
  • loops can also be side chains
  • same rules apply but the side chain is given a cyclo- prefix

You also must know how to name a compound!

First, take note of what you see
  • You see 2 lines connecting CH2 and C, so you know this organic compound forms a double bond and you must use the ending -ene
  • You count the longest carbon chain to be 5 so we use -pent
  • -pent + -ene = pentene and this bond occurs at 1 so: 1 pentene
  • we see a loop on #3 of the carbon chain so we must use to prefix -CYCLO and there are 3 of the CH's on it so we use propyl and carbon and hydrogen on #2
  • #2: 2 methyl
  • #3: 3 cyclopropyl
Together this compound is called:

2 methyl 3 cyclopropyl 1 pentene


  • Benzene (C6H6) is a cyclic hydrocarbon with unique bonds between the carbon atoms
  • Structurally it can be drawn with alternating double bonds
  • Careful analysis shows that all 6 C-C bonds are identical and really represent 1.5 bond
  • This is due to electron resonance for electrons are free to move all around the ring


  • A benzene molecule is given a special diagram to show its unique bond structure

  • A benzene can be a parent chain or a side chain
  • As a side chain it is given the name PHENYL*
Draw the line diagrams of the following:
a) 1, 4 diethyl 2 methyl Benzene
b) 1,3,5 triethyl 2,4,6 tripropyl benzene
c) 1, 3 diethyl 5 propyl benzene

and that is it!
Post by Ren Ren Flores


BONDING- March 28th

Bonds and Electronegativity!

There are 3 main types of bonds in chemistry that we will study...

  1. Ionic (metal to non-metal)
  • Electrons are transferred from metal to non-metal
      2. Covalent (non-metal to non-metal)
  • Electrons are shared between non-metals
      3. Last but not least, Metallic (metal)
  • Holds pure metals together by electrostatic attraction...
So today in class, we learned about Electronegativity (en) which is a measure of an atom's attraction for electrons in a bond... for example
Fluorines electronegativity is 4.0, Chlorine is 3.0

  • Atoms with greater electronegativity attract electrons more!
  • We learned about Polar Covalent bonds: Form from an unequal sharing of electrons, a polar covalent bond is a bond between two non-metals with different electronegativities. Unsymmetrical molecules are usually polar.
  • Non-Polar covalent bonds form from equal sharing of electrons, and are symmetrical molecules.
The type of bond formed can be predicted by looking at the difference in electronegativity (en) of the elements *we were also given a periodic table of elements dealing with electronegativity*:

Let's try some examples shall we?

Predict the type of bond formed.

1. H- O

Electronegativity difference:

- 3.44


1.24 < 1.7 
so we can conclude this bond between Hydrogen and Oxygen is a Polar Covalent bond!

Pretty easy right? Let's try one more and see how you do!

2. K-F

Electronegativity difference: 

- 0.82


3.17 > 1.7

so we can conclude this bond between potassium and fluorine is an ionic bond!

We good? Try some on your own and the answers will be placed on the bottom! Goodluck!

Predict the type of bond formed.

a) O-O

b) F-Cl

c) Ba - I

d) O-Cl

e) Na-F

f) N-H

g) H-I

 *highlight to obtain answers!

a) Non-Polar covalent bond

b) Polar Covalent bond

c) Ionic bond

d) Polar covalent bond

e) Ionic bond

f) Polar covalent bond

g) Non-polar covalent bond

Post by Ren Ren Flores


ION CONCENTRATION (March 10th,2011)

Today we learned about Ion concentration!

Involved with Ion Concentration is Dissociation.

  • Ionic compounds that are made up of 2 parts 
  • An ionic compound is a chemical compound in which ions are held together in structure by ionic bonds. Usually, the positively charged portion consists of metal cations (positively charged particles) and the negatively charged portion is an anion (negatively charged particle.)
  • When ionic compounds are dissolved in water, the cation and the anion separate from eachother.
Becareful because...

Dissociation is not Decomposition! When dissociation happens the ionic compounds separate from eachother, while decomposition in which organic material is broken down into simpler forms of matter.

  • When writing dissociation equations, the atoms and charges MUST BALANCE
Here are a few examples:

  • If the volume does not change then the concentration of individual ions depends on the balanced coefficient in the dissociation equation
Determine each of the following ion concentrations when the following solutions dissociate:

a) 0.250 M solution of KOH

b) 0.56 M solution of Fe(OH)3

c) 50.0 mL of 1.50 M NH4Cl is mixed with 75.0 mL of 1.25 M Ca(No3)2

Here's how to do Letter A:

Here's how to do letter B:

Here's how to do Letter C:

And that is all!
Post by Ren Ren Flores